Saturday 20 August 2011

Beautiful Lies ★★☆☆☆

Audrey Tautou has become an iconic face for mod­ern French cin­ema, almost to the extent that Cather­ine Deneuve was in the ‘60s. Her mere pres­ence in a film is enough to evoke inter­est from those with even the mildest curios­ity for world cin­ema. Beau­ti­ful Lies once again reunites Tautou with direc­tor Pierre Sal­vadori (Price­less) for what on the sur­face appears to be another slice of delight­fully whim­si­cal French com­edy.

30-year-old Emi­lie (Audrey Tautou) runs a styl­ish salon in her idyl­lic home town in the south of France. She has a rel­a­tively peace­ful life; how­ever, she’s begin­ning to have some con­cerns regard­ing her mother, Maddy, who has so far failed to recover from her hus­band leav­ing four years ago. Maddy has devel­oped a mild form of ago­ra­pho­bia, unable to con­nect with any­one on an emo­tional level due to the hurt inflicted by this mar­i­tal betrayal. Emi­lie is aware that her father has now moved on and is about to have a child with his young fiancée, a woman much younger than Emi­lie. With his desire to finalise his divorce, Emi­lie knows that the clock is tick­ing and must find a way to restore her mother’s lust for life before this dev­as­tat­ing news is bro­ken. A solu­tion presents itself in the form of a ran­dom dec­la­ra­tion of love, anony­mously signed, and deliv­ered to her desk one morn­ing.

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